Writing is a craze and I am crazy.
There’s no way back once you are crazy :
Every language has its four skills , listening, speaking, reading and writing. Well the last one is more fascinating and more creative for me . It is neither a mastery nor a skill. It is a passion , it is devotion it is the love and it is peace.
Every writer writes beacause they love to write comparatively other files writing pays nothing. It is very cheap and very less recognised profession. Writers live by hands to mouth. Under the poverty line except a few stories yet we find a lot of writers who are also doing many other jobs to survive in the their financial sector.
All writers are under more stress to perform such other duties exceptional to any other professional in society. Yet their time is very restrict and short. How beautiful they still manage and spare time for writing and only for writing’s sake.
Once I started writing in my childhood I became addictive to it.
It had never failed me. Whenever I writer where ever I write I get appreciation and acceptance as my identity. Writing never let me down every time I improve and every time I try to add new words new ideas new themes and new colours like humour , motivation and philosophy. Philosophy of life , philosophy of death, philosophy of love and philosophy of respect are the sides and dimensions I never get astray.
How crazy it is to write and arrest every single thought of you , every single incident arround you , every event , every aspect of society what every you see you notice you agree you disagree you like or dislike , you condemn or appreciate. All you voices can be heard and read for years and years. Somewhere someone must be reading you in all ages and all generations. This is the legacy that never ends.
Even after the failure , and devastation it is only escapism for the victim to write and never get sick of it.
Comment when and how writing saves and helps you in life.
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