Dreaming but not achieving!!!

Javeria Nawaz cheema
3 min readDec 4, 2022


Dreaming is easy but not achieving!

Easy Vs difficult is the most complicated fight in the world. What is easy is not remarkable, enthusiastic and respectable. That’s why it is not dreamt. Contrary to it , People rush towards ease and comfort. In other words , luxuries and joy. They desire to achieve things which are not easy to achieve but want them in easy way. Thus they search shortcuts. They don’t come out of their comfort zone. For example every person wants to be millionaire but no one wants to get it by difficulty. They want a straight path following by they get their dream easily.

But we most of the time forget reputable, high achievers are not ordinary people. Yes ! I believe they are not ordinary people who just dream. They have actually sacrificed what they really needed like rest, comfort , ease , happiness, sleep and simplicity. They have chosen difficulty over easiness. They ran long run than short one. They suffer more than ally. They have wounds than soothe.
But point is , every ordinary people can be extra ordinary untill he knows his capabilities. The only major difference between the ordinary and extraordinary people is that the former is unaware of his potential or he has not utilised them and the latter has utilised his potentialities very well. Which means the extra ordinary people are self discoverer.

Self discovery isn’t easy!

Once a person gives himself to his thoughts is lost. But, Once a person gives *self* to his thought is high achiever. Achievers are not easy they are always difficult. They are well aware of their worth and value. They know the price of themselves. They know they can achieve anything but cannot be achieved.
If you dream something make it your achievement. But for making dream an achievement one has to achieve himself first.
Self achievement is highest achievement and I think everyone must dream it. Every parent should inculcate this dream into his children. Every society should promote this activity. Her nation should have their self recognition.

How self achievement makes dream true?

  • Because if you are important to yourself, your dreams are also.
  • If you can discover yourself you can get your dream as well.
  • If you know the worth of you, you will not waste it In ordinary things.
  • If you know how to lead yourself you can lead the world.

